Gen X-er living in a time machine, high on nostalgia. Flashbacks is the debut album by Peach on a beach, a tribute to growing up in Dartmouth, NS during the 80s. Available on streaming and CD. Check out YouTube videos for "Beeping and Bleeping", "Pizza Corner", "Before Call Display" and more. Releases in 2024 included the moody "Rabbit Hole", “Zooming In", a tribute to my lifelong passion for maps, and climate change anthem "Clock is Ticking". Official website:
Monday, March 1, 2021
37/100 Video - "Right Now" – Van Halen (1992)

Thursday, December 31, 2020
97/100 Video - "Jump" - Van Halen (1984)
While the video for Van Halen's classic hit song "Jump" is a straightforward mock performance, it looked ground-breaking at the time.
But it's the natural chemistry and random stage moves of the entire band that lift this video to the top of the class.
The ever colourful David Lee Roth and guitar legend Eddie Van Halen were born to be in front of the camera.
We may remember Roth first and foremost as a showman, but he was a pretty good damn singer, too
And then there's Eddie and his guitar magic. This clip also reminds us he was equally adept at playing the synthesizer.