Gen X-er living in a time machine, high on nostalgia. Flashbacks is the debut album by Peach on a beach, a tribute to growing up in Dartmouth, NS during the 80s. Available on streaming and CD. Check out YouTube videos for "Beeping and Bleeping", "Pizza Corner", "Before Call Display" and more. Releases in 2024 included the moody "Rabbit Hole", “Zooming In", a tribute to my lifelong passion for maps, and climate change anthem "Clock is Ticking". Official website: https://www.peachonabeach.ca/
listening for geography nerds and technophiles.
I decided to make a holiday song thanks to a suggestion from a co-worker in late 2022. Last Christmas break I started creating the song and writing lyrics then continued to work on it throughout the year.
"Charlie Brown Christmas Tree" is a festive tribute to a small artificial tree from my first Christmas away from home.
Poignant lyrics recall childhood memories as melancholic vocals blend with uplifting synths riffs, bells and piano to create a nostalgic soundscape.
Some 25 years later, I still hold on to the ragged yet symbolic “Charlie Brown” Christmas tree, now embraced by my wife Joelle who sings soothing backing vocals.
Hope you enjoy my first holiday tune. Over the Christmas break I'll be tweaking a few demos for new singles coming in 2024.